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Ezekiel 1, Psalms 100King James Version with Web Encyclopedia Links:Ezekiel 1People, Places and Things Links:Ezekiel;
NebuchadnezzarEzekiel 1
Ezekiel was preparing to be a priest when the Babylonians invaded Judah in 597 B.C. He was taken in captivity to Babylon. Some four years later, Ezekiel saw a vision of the the living creatures and the glory of the Lord. This passage is so awesome for anyone to understand, much less grasp. How do you visualize the wheel with the flying creatures.
When you read this passage, you realize how finite of a person you are in the presence of an infinite God. The fourliving creatures according to the early church fathers represented God's perfect nature. We see that there are four gospels, where Jesus is portrayed as the King of the Jews, a lion, as in Matthew. In Mark, He is the Servant, the bull; in Luke, Jesus is portrayed as the Son of Man, the perfect man; and in John, Jesus is portrayed as the eagle, the Son of God. What does Jesus Christ mean to you? He should be your Lord and Savior.
The Babylonian EmpireEzekiel 1, Commentaries, verse by verseLinks to Commentaries and other References on EzekielPsalm 100, with Commentaries, verse by versePsalm 100 is a psalm of praise and thanksgiving. We should worship the Lord with gladness; know that the Lord is God, He is the one who made us; He is our shepherd and we are His sheep> Notice words such as praise and thanksgiving in this passage. When we discouraged or distressed about life, Psalm 100 is an appropriate psalm for us to focu on God and take our eyes off ourselves.
Figure: Psalm 100.5
Warren Wiersbe on
Psalm 100Psalm 100Psalm 100Psalm 100Psalm 100Dr. Thomas Constable Study Notes is a PDF file, open with Adobe Acrobatic ReaderSpurgeon-Psalm 99Jesus SavesHow to Become a ChristianPlease send a comment if something spoke to you today from the passages, links or thoughts that I have shared with you.